There is no better way of aligning employee reward with corporate performance than with a well-designed share plan.

With over 20 years industry experience Link Group is a leading administrator of global share plans. We have designed and managed every type of plan typically offered to help our clients offer equity as a key reward component to their employees and globally-mobile executives.

Our success is driven by the experience of our team, underpinned by innovative technology that includes a market-leading global employee share plan platform and global issuer reporting portal.

Our team of experts comes from a broad range of backgrounds including law, accounting and human resources, whose skills are regularly updated via training programs. Our market insights and knowledge are also enhanced through our membership of industry organisations such as the Global Equity Organization and Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand.

Our broad range of services includes the following:

  • Design & administration - we assist companies to design, structure and manage share plans that align with their corporate strategy and promote strong employee engagement. We add value by drawing insights from our collective data, and legal advice from our Company Matters team who can also give guidance on prevailing remuneration committee and proxy advisor expectations.
  • Reporting - we offer plan participants a wide range of tools which enable them to track plan performance (including TSR) and model vesting scenarios. We also provide our clients with comprehensive online data analysis of their plans, including at the participant level, and undertake Australian Tax Office reporting.
  • Trustee services - Pacific Custodians, our trustee entity, provides trustee services for Australian and New Zealand employee share trusts, including acting as trustee, maintaining accounts and reconciliations, auditing and Trust reporting.
  • Share trading - we facilitate share trades on behalf of companies, trusts and employees. Our Investor Centre website seamlessly links to third party brokers to provide a simple and transparent trade execution service for employees.

Click Here to download the Employee Share Plan Product Suite.

For further information on Link's Employee Share Plan please contact us on +61 2 8280 7100 or