Shareholder management and analytics are at the core of a successful investor relations programme. Link Group's investor relations arm, Orient Capital, is a global leader in share ownership analytics, market intelligence, investor communication and shareholder management technology.

Orient Capital is the largest analyser of share registers globally and the dominant provider of equity ownership analytics to listed companies in multiple markets. We identify and track our clients' shareholders, as well as their behaviour, using either local ownership disclosure provisions through share register analysis or, where such disclosure provisions do not exist, through shareholder identification, using our own proprietary methodologies, which include leveraging our extensive global relationships with custodians and investors.

miraqle, Orient Capital's online platform, is the system through which we deliver all our ownership reporting, whether this be across share registers, institutional investors, underlying beneficial holders or employee shareholders. It comprises a uniquely integrated suite of modules that allow companies to efficiently and accurately identify, profile, track, manage, target and engage with investors, potential investors and the wider investment community.

Orient Capital's exceptional reputation for service delivery is underpinned by its significant investment in the development of innovative technology solutions to support the investor relations industry.

  • Ownership analytics - we are the market leaders at identifying and tracking public companies' underlying institutional shareholders via share register analysis or shareholder identification. The resulting ownership transparency enables listed companies to most effectively manage capital market transactions, as well as manage and measure the success of their ongoing investor relations activities.
  • miraqle - our online platform is used by hundreds of listed companies globally to manage their relationships with investors. miraqle brings transparency and structure to clients' investor relations and empowers companies to most efficiently manage their interactions with the capital markets and other consequences of being listed.
  • Online services - we leverage our expertise in digital technology to offer a range of online solutions tailored specifically to maximise investor relations outcomes. We deliver engagement solutions that include investor relations websites, online surveys, as well as micro-sites for General Meetings and corporate actions.
  • Open Briefing - every year our Open Briefing service delivers hundreds of market updates via webcasts and conference calls. Our robust and reliable service is underpinned by a market-leading platform. Central to our service is a dedicated site for hosting, distributing and archiving these market updates for institutional and retail investors.
  • Campaign services - we create multi-channel communications solutions for listed companies seeking to optimise voting and participation outcomes through direct engagement with their shareholders.

For further information on Link's Shareholder Management and Analytics please contact us on +61 2 8280 5000 or