Link Market Services

Rebranded Link Fund Solutions in Australia to Fund Services following the integration into the broader Corporate Markets business in 2022 and to reflect the ongoing integration of Link’s broad listed and unlisted capabilities to support our clients’ growth.


Link Market Services

Launched new Link Market Services registry brand.

Rebranded German businesses to Link Market Services.


Link Market Services

Expanded services for unlisted funds with the acquisition of White Outsourcing; now providing custody and fund administration as well as registry (transfer agency) services.


HCE Haubrook

Expanded in Germany with the acquisition of Day of AGM services provider, HCE Haubrok.

Acquired 100% of Link Market Services New Zealand.


Acquired UK-based King Worldwide Investor Relations.

D.F. King

Acquired D.F. King & Co's European operations from American Stock Transfer & Trust.

Registrar Services

Acquired Deutsche Bank subsidiary registrar services GmbH with offices in Germany and Dubai.


Global Share Alliance

Formed Global Share Alliance with Equiniti (UK), Tricor (Hong Kong) and, in North America, American Stock Transfer and Wells Fargo Shareowner Services, to provide global registry solutions to international companies listed on multiple markets.


Link Intime

Entered India with the acquisition of India's Number 2 registry provider, Intime Spectrum Registry (renamed Link Intime).

Expanded employee share plan services with the purchase of Watson Wyatt Australia.


Orient Capital

Acquired Orient Capital, an investor relations market leader.

South Africa

Established a South African presence with the purchase of Ultra Share registrars, subsequently renamed Link Market Services. Acquired 100% of PNG Registries.


Link Market Services

Pacific Equity Partners acquired ASX Perpetual Registrars and renamed the entire company Link Market Services.

New Zealand

Established joint venture share registry with the New Zealand Stock Exchange, called Link Market Services.


Acquired Pitcher Partners' Australian and PNG joint venture share registry businesses.

Acquired employee share administration business of Mellon Human Resource and Investor Service.


Implemented proprietary registry management and shareholder communications system, oscar.



Australian Stock Exchange invested in joint venture with Perpetual Trustees to acquire a 50% interest in its share registry division, Perpetual Registrars. Business renamed ASX Perpetual Registrars.


Perpetual Trustees acquired share registry business of Coopers & Lybrand.